
ISO 14001: delivering our commitment to the environment

Last month, Wigley was recognised in its commitment to sustainability and environmental management by being certificated to ISO 14001. As a company, we have set ourselves a series of objectives to ensure we are delivering results that benefit not only our business, but our environment too.

To achieve at least 80% recycling/reuse of waste material produced across all business activities.

We already have a series of initiatives in place at Stockton House and across our sites to allow us to do this such as maximum use of recycling bins, composting garden waste, reducing our printing and using approved skip providers.

To have less than five nonconformities in relation to practices that could risk nuisance to the local community.

This is done through maintenance of our current good practices. It is also important that we are familiar with what constitutes a nuisance, so every member of staff can make informed decisions. We will also be replacing practices/materials with less damaging alternatives, and ensuring our working environments are clean and tidy, and are not noise or light polluting.

To raise awareness of sustainability issues through staff training.

We deliver internal training sessions on how we can work together to be a more sustainable business, alongside using field experts to provide advice, support and training too. Our internal communications platforms are utilised to share information about sustainable practices and opportunities to maximise efficiency.

To aim to reduce our vehicle emissions to the environmental relative to our business operations.

Increasingly, we are using “cleaner” vehicles throughout the business, with many members of staff driving electric or hybrid vehicles. There are a number of electric charging stations at Stockton House to support and encourage staff to use these types of vehicles, especially for longer distances. Where possible, staff are also encouraged to car share where possible, particularly for things like site visits and attending meetings and events. In addition to this we utilise technology to facilitate remote meetings to minimise travel altogether.

To aim to achieve at least a very good rating on any BREEAM-assessed projects.

BREEAM standards will be incorporated at the appropriate stages of development projects, and core to this is ensuring these are understood by staff involved in the development. We have a robust approach to internal training and knowledge sharing which supports this.

To ensure that any repairs/adaptations to portfolio properties improve or maintain their current impact on the environment.

Our portfolio is always evolving, so it is important that we are mindful of the impact our properties have on the environment. We do this through the selection of suitable sustainable materials in the maintenance or improvement projects. We ensure the effective use of unused land strips on sites to improve the environments, through encouraging nature to thrive in these areas if possible. If we aren’t completing the works ourselves, we are sure to select considerate contractors or suppliers, and will always be considerate to the site itself when undertaking any works.